Knowledge, innovation, network and passion


The first private school of floristry and horticulture in Slovenia. Because we don’t care, we care for the profession and spread knowledge.

We organize

Sabina Šegula

Dr. Sabina Šegula is a renowned florist who successfully completed her master’s degree in floristry in the Netherlands and specialized in wedding floristry in Germany. He has been teaching floristry for over 25 years. Within the framework of his private school, he provides various education, also in horticulture (herbs, honey plants, arranging gardens, terraces, indoor plants, herbaceous ornamental plants).

Floweracademy founded by

Lucas Jansen

Lucas ima več kot 39 let izkušenj z izobraževanjem v (mednarodni) cvetličarski verigi na področju poznavanja asortimenta, kakovosti, poznavanja verige, trženja, cvetličarstva ter vodenja računov in kategorij. Tečaji in tržne raziskave v 25 različnih državah po vsem svetu.

Lucas je tudi lastnik spletne strani www.Floweracademy.TV (e-izobraževanje) in ponudbe spletnih aplikacij InfoFlowersPlants, ime Floweracademy pa je uveljavil tudi v Italiji, Sloveniji in Kambodži.

InfoFlowersPlants - Webapplicatie

Web application for personal, company or shop use!

The IFP web application forms a portal to the extensive search engines for flowers, houseplants, garden plants and flower bulbs. The information per product consists of fixed data such as colour, application possibilities, storage temperatures, plant depth, etc. In addition, we give you a number of other facts such as origin, care tips and other important facts. And all this in 8 languages!

This application can be used on a computer, laptop or tablet. Access is gained with a login and password verification. Visit our demo of the application to get more insight. Please note: the demo version does not show all the options the search engine has.


Try the demo version of InfoFlowersPlants web application now!